BGMI Headshots Tips From Zero to Hero

BGMI Headshots Tips: Want to become a headshot hero in BGMI instead of just a pure newbie? One important skill that might help you advance is learning how to snap great headshots. Expert players are aware that well-placed headshots save ammunition, deliver a ton of damage, and speed up kills.

It’s essential to learn how to consistently hit headshots if you want to increase your rank, improve your K/D ratio, or win team battles. This in-depth article offers expert advice and tricks for obtaining more headshots in BGMI.

To go from zero to hero, you’ll learn how to improve your mobility, aim, weapon choice, and setting. Everybody can become a BGMI headshot specialist with the appropriate methods and plenty of practice.

Continue reading to unlock your full potential and begin crushing your opponents with accurate headshots!

What are headshots in BGMI?

Headshots refer to when you hit an enemy player in the head in BGMI. Landing a headshot deals significantly more damage than hitting the body. In fact, headshots with a sniper rifle or marksman rifle are almost always an instant knock or kill. Even with assault rifles and SMGs, a few headshots can quickly take down an opponent. Mastering the ability to reliably land headshots is one of the key skills that can take you from an average player to a headshot hero in BGMI.

Why are headshots so important in BGMI?

There are a few key reasons why landing headshots is so vital for success in BGMI:

  • Higher damage – Headshots deal much higher damage compared to body shots. You can get kills faster by hitting headshots.
  • Ammo conservation – Due to increased damage, you can knock or eliminate enemies with fewer bullets if you are hitting headshots. This helps conserve ammunition.
  • Faster time-to-kill – Headshots allow you to kill enemies quicker. In a game like BGMI, every millisecond counts, so faster TTK from headshots is huge.
  • Better weapon control – Landing repeated headshots requires great recoil control and weapon handling. This skill translates to better sprays too.
  • Higher skill ceiling – Headshots require precision aim. Being able to hit headshots consistently is a marker of a highly skilled player.

Needless to say, if you want to improve at BGMI, mastering headshots is a must. With enough practice, any player can go from a headshot newbie to a headshot expert. Keep reading for tips that will help you land more headshots!

Tips for Landing Headshots in BGMI

Let’s now look at some practical tips that will help you land those critical headshots in BGMI matches:

Aim for the Head

  • Keep your crosshair positioned at head-level whenever possible. This will allow you to hit headshots more quickly when an enemy appears instead of having to adjust your aim.
  • Only aim for the body if an enemy is very far. At longer ranges, focus on center mass instead of the head to make hitting shots easier.
  • Get used to flicking your aim up to the head after your initial reaction shots at the body. With practice, you can land headshots quickly.
  • Visualize the head hitbox in your mind and keep your crosshair focused there as enemies move. This mental focus will improve accuracy.

Master Movement and Firing

  • Crouching or going prone makes landing headshots easier due to reduced recoil and weapon sway. Don’t stand still.
  • Lean left and right using the peek buttons while firing. Side-to-side movement throws off enemies’ aim.
  • Between shots, strafe and crouch spam to make yourself a difficult target. Enemies will often miss shots.
  • Jump and proning randomly during sprays can help avoid return fire while you line up headshots.
  • Fire in short, controlled bursts or tap fire when aiming for the head. Never spray fully auto at the head.

Choose the Right Weapons

  • DMRs like the MK12 are ideal for long range headshots. Their high damage and minimal recoil make headshots easier.
  • Sniper rifles like the Kar98k can knock enemies with a single headshot. Great for pickoffs while camping.
  • Attach scopes like red dots, holos, or 3x/4x scopes on your primary weapons. They improve aim precision.
  • Use single fire mode on ARs and SMGs instead of full auto to ensure every shot lands on target.
  • Shotguns can one-shot level 3 helmets at very close ranges. Aim for the head up close with shotguns.

Fine Tune Your Settings

  • Enable gyroscope if using a phone or tablet. Gyro aiming helps track heads better.
  • Adjust camera sensitivity to balance accuracy and speed. Higher sensitivity typically improves flicks.
  • Reduce vertical recoil via attachments or settings to control sprays at the head better.
  • Set your scope sensitivities appropriately so aim doesn’t change drastically when scoping in.
  • Enable peak and lean buttons if playing on a phone or tablet for easier leaning while firing.

How to Improve BGMI Headshot Skills

With the right practice techniques, any player can sharpen their headshot skills significantly in BGMI. Here are some tips for honing your ability to hit headshots:

Practice Flicking in Training Grounds

  • Spawn bots and practice flicking your aim up from body to head after initial reaction shots.
  • Work on instant headshot transition from sprinting using weapons like shotguns.
  • Move unpredictably – jump, prone, crouch, lean – while aiming precisely for heads.
  • Set bots to move unpredictably to practice tracking head hitboxes of moving targets.

Play TDM Matches

  • The fast respawn of TDM matches allows you to take more gunfights and practice flicks.
  • Test out various weapons and scopes to find which ones you can land the most headshots with.
  • Instantly respawning after kills lets you continuously refine your aim and reflexes.
  • The pressure of real players motivates you to go for headshots and improve your skills.

Analyze and Improve from Classic Matches

  • Play classic matches to apply your headshot skills against real opponents.
  • Watch death replays when you die and analyze how to better position your crosshair.
  • Review your gameplay to see when you aimed for the body versus the head and improve.
  • Assess which weapons and scopes worked best for you landing headshots.
  • Make small adjustments to sensitivity if you over-flick or under-aim frequently.

Common Headshot Mistakes to Avoid

While improving your headshot skills, be sure to avoid these common mistakes beginners make:

  • Spraying full auto at the head instead of firing controlled taps and bursts.
  • Forgetting to account for bullet drop at long range and aiming too high.
  • Not leaning left and right or crouching which makes landing headshots much harder.
  • Rushing your shots due to pressure even when you do not have the optimal angle.
  • Changing sensitivities and scopes too frequently without giving yourself time to adapt.
  • Not positioning your crosshair at head-level by default before engaging enemies.
  • Over-challenging enemies with headshots from distances you cannot control recoil.


Mastering headshots in BGMI takes time and practice, but any player can improve their skills significantly with the right techniques. Start by training your flicks and crosshair placement in offline practice modes. Then translate those skills to TDM and classic matches while avoiding common mistakes beginners make.

Position your crosshair at head level, lean and crouch when firing, use weapons with easier recoil, and fine tune your sensitivity. With ample practice and persistence, you can go from a total headshot novice to a headshot expert eliminating enemies with precision aim. Soon you will be landing those critical headshots that win intense firefights in BGMI!

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