5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in BGMI

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is one of the most popular multiplayer battle royale games out there. With intense combat across vast maps featuring 100 players, it can be challenging to consistently place well and get those chicken dinners.

To step up your BGMI game, here are 5 common mistakes to look out for and avoid:

Not Learning the Controls

It may seem basic, but taking the time to thoroughly learn and customize the control layout is crucial in BGMI. Unlike other mobile shooters, BGMI has complex controls across different actions like crouching, leaning, firing modes, throwables, vehicles, and more.

If you rush into matches without practicing the controls against AI or friends first, you’ll often fumble at key moments during battles. This leads to easily avoidable deaths because you pressed the wrong button.

Set aside some time to slowly get a feel for the controls in lower-stakes environments first. Tweak the layout to best suit your playstyle too. This builds up the control muscle memory your need to perform well under pressure when squads attack.

Failing to Adjust Graphics Settings

Most players just jump into BGMI with default graphics, not realizing lag and visual issues can put them at a major disadvantage. Two key problems can crop up:

Frame Rate Issues

Inconsistently low FPS causes stutters and choppy play, making aiming and tracking enemies much more erratic and tough. This gets you killed in close-range skirmishes where smooth rotation and movement are vital.

Visual Clarity Problems

Low resolution textures, effects and details muddy up the visuals, obscuring enemies like grass snipers and making it harder to spot loot quickly. Poor visibility will cause deaths where you simply couldn’t see threats coming.

Head into the graphics settings before starting matches to ensure you have the best balance of high FPS and visual clarity tailored to your device’s capabilities.

Poor Map Awareness

BGMI matches put you on massive battlegrounds full of complex terrain and structures across multiple small zones. Without paying close attention to the map and understanding your surroundings, you become an easy target.

Lack of Orientation

Fumbling around trying to figure out where you are or misjudging the next circle location burns precious time and leaves you wandering lost out in the open. Memorize map landmarks so you can orient yourself quickly after drops and rotations.

Getting Ambushed

Not scanning the map to see where enemies might be or could rotate in from means getting ambushed frequently. Keep glancing at the full map and use headphones to listen for footprints to avoid getting jumped unexpectedly.

Rushing Without Backup

When you spot another solo player or duo, it’s tempting to immediately push and go for flank or rush kills. But charging recklessly without squad support usually backfires badly.

Leaving the Squad

If you rush way ahead of teammates, you lose the numerical, supportive and surprise advantages of fighting together. Now you’re facing healthy squads alone without backup fire or revives. Stick with the team unless coordinating a pincer attack.

Losing Firepower

Even if your teammates are able to support from a distance, charging separately splits up your combined fire against multiple enemies. Fighting as a concentrated squad maximizes your damage output and ability to trade knocks. Move as a unit.

Ignoring the Zone

With so much fighting action pulling your focus, it’s surprisingly easy to forget to check the zone timer and location during matches. This causes two big problems:

Taking Unnecessary Damage

If you’re so caught up looting or battling another team that you don’t notice the zone right behind or closing in already, you end up losing chunked health to its damaging effects. This can ruin your match before seeing more enemies.

Getting Caught Off-Guard

Not anticipating zone changes means you fail to rotate to the next circle early enough. Then you end up frantically running from a deadly blue wall of death straight into established squads. Plan ahead so you transition safely.

Forgetting to Heal and Revive

When you disengage from fights to recover or have downed teammates around you, players often hop right back into battle-ready mode without addressing health and revives first.

Leaving Yourself Vulnerable

If you don’t heal up after fights before reengaging or rotating, you remain an easy knock with low HP for the next squad that attacks you just minutes later. Always reset your HP before moving.

Letting Teammates Die

Similarly, instantly chasing the next gunshots you hear rather than getting teammates back into the fight first leaves you alone or shorthanded later on. Getting the squad back to full strength is paramount between engagements. Never leave behind crawling mates when safe.

Avoiding these common missteps will quickly help raise your BGMI skills immensely. Stay aware, play smart and move with precision teamwork for more wins. Stay focused on continuously improving too – there are always new lessons to pick up by reviewing your mistakes with each chicken dinner.


BGMI offers endless tactical play to master across so many elements like aim, positioning, rotations and team coordination. But often the biggest improvements come from focusing on avoiding dumb oversights.

Keep these 5 major mistakes in mind and you’ll typically see your survival time, elimination counts and overall win rate steadily bump up. Memorize maps, calibrate graphics just right, move with your squad, watch the zone clock and keep health bars full. Build up these fundamental good habits first before concentrating on fancy tricks and big brain 4D plays.

Solid fundamentals married with battle royale experience beats sloppy reflex gameplay every time. Stick to core principles more than anything else when starting out. Finesse comes after you nail down survival basics match after match.

Soon you’ll go from forgetting basics to leading elite squads to quick dinners!

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